Certificates and policies

Company IGLASS s.r.o. has been operating on the construction market for more than 25 years.

In order to ensure the development of the company and the satisfaction of our employees and customers, we are constantly adapting to new standards and demands for a modern construction company.

Taking ISO and OHSAS certification in account, our management has prepared statements declaring a commitment to European policies for continuous quality improvement, environmental considerations and ensuring a safe working environment for its employees.

Quality policy

As part of the ISO 9001 standard, we declare our commitment to continuously improve the quality of the goods and services we offer in order to enhance the trust and satisfaction of our customers.

Download management statement (in slovak language)

Environmental policy

We are committed to pursuing our corporate goals in accordance with international standards ISO 14001, which are concerned with the protection and improvement of the environment.

Download management statement (in slovak language)

Work safety policy

We ensure workplace safety and health protection in accordance with OHSAS 18001, which regulates OSH rules. We pay attention to the physical, mental and social well-being of our employees.

Download management statement (in slovak language)

Moving forward with the support of the European Union

Since 2010 we have been implementing the project “Increasing the adaptability of employees of IGLASS, s.r.o.”, which is realized thanks to the support of the European Social Fund within the Operational Program “Employment and Social Inclusion”, with the aim to improve the skills of employees at all corporate levels.

The company IGLASS spol. s.r.o implements a project co-financed by the European Union on the basis of a signed Non-repayable Contribution Agreement (Contract number: 405 / 2017-2060-2200-I339), in order to increase the company’s competitiveness by introducing new equipment into the production process.

Project name 

Zavedenie inovácie výrobného procesu v spoločnosti IGLASS spol. s r.o.

Website OP – www.opvai.sk
Website ÚV SR – www.partnerskadohoda.gov.sk